Join the Lance Grabowski Monthly Game Club

The LGMGC is a free club for those that are looking for a different kind of video game experience. Here's what's in store for you: 

Play Free Monthly Games

I'll be making one game a month. It'll be simple, short, and weird. Heck, it might not even qualify as a game, but more of a toy or simply a thing. It could be a small part of a larger game, or a one-of-a-kind, never to be repeated experiment. It's dealer's choice, and I'm the dealer.  

Read Insightful Monthly Newsletters

The main lifeline of the club is the LGMGC Monthly Update, where I write about the work I’ve done throughout the month, describe the monthly game I’ve made, and update you on my larger projects. 

I never send the newsletter out more than once a month, and I don’t use it to try to sell you things. Instead, it’s an honest and open look into my world as a video game creator and a place I can share relevant news and my genuine gratitude for your support, financial or otherwise.  

Attend Special Live Streams

Attend live streamed ‘make-along’ parties where you can sit in with me as I make a game and be a part of the process by offering your thoughts and ideas. 

Get An Inside Look At The Life Of A Truly ‘Indie’ Game Developer

It don’t get more ‘indie’ than me, baby. 100% of the games I make are made by me alone, and are a reflection of my individual mind and personality. I have no corporate sponsors, and therefore no creative restrictions. 

Stay Up To Date On My Bigger Projects

Aside from the small monthly games I make, I’m constantly working on bigger projects, honest-to-gawd video games. The LGMGC allows you to follow along on the journey from conception to release.  

Play Exclusive Demos and Early Access Versions

LGMGC members receive demos and early access versions of my bigger games and their feedback is listened to. Your thoughts and suggestions could change how the final version turns out!

Support My Work And Get Your Name In The Credits

While membership is free and open to anyone, those who generously support my work, at any amount, will get their names in the credits of my games for every month they contribute. 

If I’m working on a bigger project that takes many months, you’ll still appear in the credits even if you only contributed for one month of the total development time. Your financial support goes a long way and is very much appreciated!

Join The Club Through Ko-Fi (Paid)

If you'd like to be a supporting member, you can join the club straight through Ko-Fi, the financial support service I'm using. You can choose monthly or one-off payments, at any amount you'd like to give.